MOD 1 – ENABLED: The AUTO RUN MOD activates SPRINT / RUN while the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is FULLY moved FORWARD to the EDGE. This allows for walking or jogging.
MOD 2 – ENABLED QUICK TURN: The AUTO RUN MOD but with the ability to make quick turns when the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is FULLY moved to the SIDE.
MOD 3 – ENABLED SLIDE TURN:The AUTO RUN MOD but with the ability to turn while sliding when the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is FULLY moved to the SIDE.
MOD 4 – ENABLED BUNNY HOP:The AUTO RUN BUNNY HOP MOD activates SPRINT / RUN while the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is moved FORWARD. PRESS SPRINT to automatically and repeatedly jump but be careful of this in the in-game menu. Use the Master Quick Control below when entering the in-game menu.
Try NOT to push the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK forward when using your Sparrow; otherwise it will cause your Sparrow to repeatedly dodge. Alternatively, use the Master Quick Control below when entering your Sparrow.
Weapons with longer reload times will have their reload cancelled by Auto Run. You can adjust the RELOAD TO AUTO RUN DELAY in MOD Central or Menu Mode here. This necessary built in delay before Auto Run is allowed to sprint again, starts at 2 seconds and kicks in when you PRESS the RELOAD button. A side effect is that there will be a small Auto Run delay after respawning as this shares the same button.
(Suspended: Heavy Rumble / Resumed: Light Rumble). In the FPS MOD Mode (MODPACK), ALL LEDS will be flashing while suspended.
CLASS 5 Suspend / Resume: If a MOD within CLASS 5 is Enabled, WHILE QUICKLY HOLDING , PRESS R3 / RS to SUSPEND / RESUME CLASS 5 MOD. (Suspended: Heavy Rumble / Resumed: Light Rumble). In the FPS MOD Mode (MODPACK), LED 5 will be flashing while suspended.
0: MOD Disabled
1: Enabled
The AUTO RUN MOD activates SPRINT / RUN while the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is FULLY moved FORWARD to the EDGE. This allows for walking or jogging.
2: Enabled Quick Turn
The AUTO RUN MOD but with the ability to make quick turns when the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is FULLY moved to the SIDE.
3: Enabled Slide Turn
The AUTO RUN MOD but with the ability to turn while sliding when the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is FULLY moved to the SIDE.
4: Enabled Bunny Hop
The AUTO RUN BUNNY HOP MOD activates SPRINT / RUN while the MOVEMENT ANALOG STICK is moved FORWARD. PRESS SPRINT to automatically and repeatedly jump but be careful of this in the in-game menu. Use the Master Quick Control below when entering the in-game menu.