All CLASS MODS can be enabled in MOD Central.  This section provides information on enabling them on your controller using Menu Mode.
For a visualization of how a typical GAMEPACK's Menu Mode works in practice, please see either PS4 Dominator, XB1 Dominator, or XB1 Eliminator.
  • To enter Menu Mode, HOLD for at least 5 seconds.
  • You MUST remain HOLDING to stay in Menu Mode:
Menu Mode Navigation:
  • or navigates UP a CLASS.
  • or navigates DOWN a CLASS.
  • GREEN LIGHTBAR (PS4) / WHITE LED (XB1) flashes indicate the currently selected CLASS number.
  • or navigates UP a MOD within the currently selected CLASS.
  • or navigates DOWN a MOD within the currently selected CLASS.
  • This will change your currently ENABLED MOD!
  • PURPLE LIGHTBAR (PS4) / GREEN LED (XB1) flashes indicate the currently ENABLED MOD number.
Number of Green (PS4) / White (XB1) flashes
Number of Purple (PS4) / Green (XB1) flashes
1. Hero
1: D.Va
2: Orisa
3: Reinhardt
4: Roadhog
5: Sigma
6: Winston
7: Wrecking Ball
8: Zarya
9: Ashe
10: Bastion
11: Doomfist
12: Echo
13: Genji
14: Hanzo
15: Junkrat
16: McCree
17: Mei
18: Pharah
19: Reaper
20: Soldier: 76
21: Sombra
22: Symmetra
23: Torbjörn
24: Tracer
25: Widowmaker
26: Ana
27: Baptiste
28: Brigitte
29: Lucio
30: Mercy
31: Moira
32: Zenyatta
2. Hero MOD 1 Button
1: Left Paddle
2: Right Paddle
3: Left Stick
4: Right Stick
5: Unmapped
3. Hero MOD 2 Button
1: Left Paddle
2: Right Paddle
3: Left Stick
4: Right Stick
5: Unmapped