QUICK MODS are NOT saved settings. They DO NOT appear in MOD Central and they will ONLY persist as ON for as long as the STRIKEPACK is plugged in or selected on this GAMEPACK:
ADS AIM ASSIST: WHILE AIMING DOWN SIGHTS & HOLDING , PRESS R3 / RS to toggle this QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
WHILE AIMING DOWN SIGHTS, the in-game aim assisting mechanics will be maximized to subtly assist your aim as often as possible. It is normal to see some camera shake.
AKIMBO RAPID FIRE (DUAL WIELD): WHILE HOLDING , TAP L2 / LT to toggle this QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
If Rapid Fire is already ENABLED, this MOD will additionally assign Rapid Fire to your other FIRE button. It is also FULLY compatible with the Weapon Swap MOD and will assign Akimbo Rapid Fire to the Weapon Fire CLASS that Weapon Swap has currently swapped to.
WHILE HOLDING , TAP OR to toggle this QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
IN WAR MODE or SEARCH & DESTROY, TAP the USE button to build/defuse anything that you are in range of. If you need to cancel it, just FIRE.
AUTO HOLD BREATH:Weapon Optimizer MOD will automatically toggle ON this QUICK MOD for sniper rifle profiles. Otherwise, WHILE HOLDING , PRESS L3 / LS to toggle this QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
Your breath will be automatically held while scoping in your sniper rifle.
FAST RELOAD: WHILE HOLDING , TAP OR to toggle this QUICK MOD to the correct mode.
(Standard ON: Heavy Rumble / Hustle Perk Compatibility ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
When combined with the Weapon Optimizer MOD, if you manually reload your weapon, it will finish reloading more quickly than normal. You MUST use the Weapon Optimizer MOD.
WHILE QUICKLY HOLDING , TAP L1 / LB to toggle the LEFT HAIR TRIGGER QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
WHILE QUICKLY HOLDING , TAP R1 / RB to toggle the RIGHT HAIR TRIGGER QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
Hair Triggers register as fully pressed as quickly as possible to improve reaction time, without affecting MODS.
SHAKE & RELOAD (PS4): WHILE QUICKLY HOLDING , TAP OR to toggle this QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
You can flick the PS4 controller upwards to reload. You MUST hold the controller properly horizontal to avoid accidental reloads. If your weapon rumble is so strong that it is accidentally setting it off, you can disable rumble using the method outlined here or you can use the RUMBLE CONTROL below.
TURBO MELEE: WHILE HOLDING , PRESS RS / R3 to toggle this QUICK MOD (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).
HOLD MELEE to repeatedly melee as quickly as possible, providing you with the best chance to win melee battles.
Temporarily disables rumble. This QUICK MOD predates the addition of "Disable Rumble" to MOD Central, leaving this QUICK MOD somewhat redundant... but it is here if you wish to use it.