AIM ABUSE WHILE AIMING DOWN SIGHTS, will snap your aim to enemy targets.  This MOD can be set up in MOD Central for any combination of the 4 WEAPON PROFILES.  With its Quick Shortcut, this MOD can also be toggled ON/OFF on-the-fly for each profile.
NOTE:  It is normal to see this MOD aiming in and out while slightly shaking your screen.  The component that slightly shakes your screen is called Aim Assist.  You can adjust the strength of this in MOD Central or the Menu Mode.
See the MENU NAVIGATION ADJUSTABLES section for adjusting Aim Assist Strength with the Menu Mode.

Aim Abuse Quick Shortcut:  WHILE HOLDING the D-PAD direction of your weapon, TAP L2 / LT to toggle ON / OFF Aim Abuse (ON: Heavy Rumble / OFF: Light Rumble).  As this is a Quick Shortcut, you can toggle ON Aim Abuse even if it was set to Disabled in MOD Central.